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Figure:   Comparison between PHOENIX (full line) and ATLAS9 (dotted line) model spectra in the UV for $\hbox{$\,T_{\rm eff}$}=10000\,{\rm K}$,$\log(g)=4.0$ and solar abundances. The PHOENIX spectrum has been smoothed with a Gaussian kernel to $10\hbox{\AA}$ resolution.

\psfig {,width=\hsize,clip=,angle=90}

Figure:   Comparison between PHOENIX (full line) and ATLAS9 (dotted line) model spectra in the UV for $\hbox{$\,T_{\rm eff}$}=10000\,{\rm K}$,$\log(g)=4.0$ and solar abundances. The PHOENIX spectrum has been smoothed with a Gaussian kernel to $20\hbox{\AA}$ resolution. We also show the PHOENIX spectrum at its original resolution scaled by a factor of 0.5 for comparison.

\psfig {,width=\hsize,clip=,angle=90}

Figure:   Comparison between PHOENIX (full line) and ATLAS9 (dotted line) model spectra for $\hbox{$\,T_{\rm eff}$}=4000\,{\rm K}$, $\log(g)=4.0$and solar abundances. The PHOENIX spectrum was convolved with a Gaussian kernel of $20\hbox{\AA}$ width for wavelengths smaller than $1\,\mu$m and with a Gaussian kernel of $50\hbox{\AA}$ width for wavelengths larger than $1\,\mu$m.

\psfig {,width=\hsize,clip=,angle=90}

Figure:   Comparison between the NLTE and LTE structure of PHOENIX solar NLTE models. $\ifmmode{\tau_{\rm std}}\else\hbox{$\tau_{\rm std}$}\fi$ is the optical depth in the continuum at $1.2\mu$.

\psfig {,width=\hsize,clip=,angle=90}

Figure:   Comparison between the Kitt Peak Solar Atlas spectrum (thick curve) and the solar NLTE model (thin curve), both reduced to a resolution of $\Delta\lambda=10\hbox{\AA}$. No attempts were made to fine-tune the model. Terrestrial features (e.g., at about 0.75, 0.95 and $1.12\,\mu$m) were not removed from the observed solar spectrum.

\psfig {,width=\hsize,angle=90}

Figure:   Comparison between the Kitt Peak Solar Atlas spectrum (thick curves) and the solar NLTE model (thin curves) for selected wavelength regions. Both spectra were smoothed to a resolution of $\Delta\lambda=0.05\hbox{\AA}$. No attempts were made to fine-tune the model.

\psfig {,width=\hsize,angle=90}

Figure:   Comparison between the NLTE and LTE structure of PHOENIX solar NLTE models as function of the height above $\ifmmode{\tau_{\rm std}}\else\hbox{$\tau_{\rm std}$}\fi=1$

\psfig {,width=\hsize,clip=,angle=90}


Figure:   Departure coefficients of the ground states of selected ions as function of $\ifmmode{\tau_{\rm std}}\else\hbox{$\tau_{\rm std}$}\fi$ (the optical depth in the continuum at $1.2\mu$) for the solar model with $\hbox{$\,T_{\rm eff}$}=5770\,{\rm K}$ and $\log(g)=4.44$.

\psfig {,width=\hsize,clip=,angle=90}

Figure:   Comparison between a PHOENIX Vega NLTE model (dotted/thick line) and Vega absolute spectrophotometry and IUE observational data. The model parameters are given in the figure, the ``Vega abundances'' are taken from [Castelli & Kurucz(1994)Castelli and Kurucz]. The model spectrum has been convolved with a Gaussian kernel of $6\hbox{\AA}$ half-width to facilitate comparison with the low resolution data.

\psfig {,width=\hsize,clip=,angle=90}

Figure:   Departure coefficients of the ground states of selected ions as function of $\ifmmode{\tau_{\rm std}}\else\hbox{$\tau_{\rm std}$}\fi$ (the optical depth in the continuum at $1.2\mu$) for a Vega model with $\hbox{$\,T_{\rm eff}$}=9500\,{\rm K}$ and $\log(g)=3.95$.

\psfig {,width=\hsize,clip=,angle=90}

Figure:   Comparison between the NLTE and LTE structure of PHOENIX Vega NLTE models. $\ifmmode{\tau_{\rm std}}\else\hbox{$\tau_{\rm std}$}\fi$ is the optical depth in the continuum at $1.2\mu$.

\psfig {,width=\hsize,clip=,angle=90}

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Peter H. Hauschildt